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Yogi Prashant Ji
Yogi Prashant Ji’s Bio
“Knowing the self is important, the teacher cannot show you who you are, you have to know yourself...The teacher is only the mirror which will show you how you look.”
Qus. When is your birthday and star sign?
Ans. September 11th and I am a Virgo.
Qus. As a teacher what do you focus on most?
Ans. Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Adjustment/Alignment.
Qus. What Yoga teacher training course do you teach and for how long have you been with Rishikul Yogshala?
Ans. I teach the 200hr and 300hr yoga teacher training course and I’ve been working with Rishikul Yogshala for about 4 years.
Qus. When was your first experience with yoga and when did you truly start focusing on this path?
Ans. I started practicing during school in 10 standard (14 years) because I was good at sports and I enjoyed doing physical exercise. But my yoga journey started when I was 16 and when I began my education at Sivananda at the headquarters here in Rishikesh. I then continued my studies in an Ashram and then started pursuing my own practice. I’m also finishing my Masters of Yogic Science at the moment.Qus. What is Spirituality to you?
Ans. Spirituality for me comes firstly through respecting one’s own body. You have to see your own body, through Asana but of course there are other practices in Yoga to see yourself. How can you respect others if you don’t respect yourself?Qus. Do you ever feel imbalanced?
Ans. Before yoga I was really imbalanced and a lot of people said yoga can balance you but I didn’t really believe it until I started practicing myself. When I entered into Yoga and started practicing and practicing it changed me. It brought balance to my life, it changed my energy. Of course I am human and feel imbalanced but I will never show it in the class. I always remain stable and focus on myself to show stability towards my student and never bring this emotional weaknesses because I want to deliver positivity.Qus. What do you do in your spare time besides practicing and teaching yoga?
Ans. I studied Bhajan, spiritual songs and the Harmonium, so I love to chant and sing when ever I have the chance! But the truth is I teach a lot so I also enjoy resting, good sleep, eating and watching tv/films.Qus. What would you say to people who have never taken care of their bodies or may have physical issues but want to practice yoga?
Ans. Find a good teacher who can guide, align and adjust you. Too many people are trying to learn from YouTube and they cause physical damage to their bodies because they don’t know what they are doing. The person who made the video made it for their own body, not your body so it won’t be adjusted to you. Start slow and easy and get help from a good instructor who provides modifications for your physical body.Experiences Offered
Yogi Prashant Ji offers the following