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- Menlha Bruneau
Menlha Bruneau
Menlha Bruneau’s Bio
I have been involved in health and healing for many years. It has been a prime interest to me to be well and to help others also be well, holistically. I am the founder of Hacienda del Sol and of the Kootenay school of Rebalancing bodywork. This school certified over 350 students to practice rebalancing body therapy. I am a rebalancing bodywork master and have been practicing craniosacral (biodynamic) treatment for several years.
For 15 years at Hacienda del Sol we have been hosting juice cleanses, and I have been the facilitator for many of them. I have done a number of cleanses myself over the years and keep up my own cleanliness with 2 personal cleanses a year at Hacienda del Sol.
These cleanses are highly successful here thanks to the relaxed environment offered by immersion in nature, strong facilitation, constant support, detox-specific juices, and colema therapy. The transformation is remarkable and I love to be part of this process.
I am continuing to learn more about health and wellness. It is enjoyable for me to pass on my knowledge to others which I have accumulated over the years through personal experience and observation. I consider myself to be a good teacher who, with the help of intuition, can get the message across to most clients.
Currently Working With
Hacienda del Sol Wellness Center Costa RIca