Acharya Vimal

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Acharya Vimal

Acharya Vimal’s Bio

Acharya Vimal was born in a Brahmin family in Rishikesh, India located in the foothills of Himalaya along the holy banks of River Ganges. He has been practicing Yoga & Meditation for last ten years and has been teaching it for past seven years to national &international students. He studied under the guidance of H.H.Swami Veda Bharati, a direct disciple of H.H.Swami Rama of the Himalayas. He completed a three year study and training program at the Ashram. It included conceptual and applied knowledge of Indian philosophy focusing on yogic tradition and the yoga – sutras of Patanjali. It also included methodologies of teaching yogapostures, breathing practices, relaxation and meditation techniques; plus scientific and medical approaches to Yoga.