The 500 Hour Advanced Yoga TTC offered by Sri Yoga Ashram is a multi-style yoga course that will convert the basic yoga enthusiasts and practitioners into expert Yoga Teachers having complete knowledge of atleast 4 styles of yoga such as Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa & Yin yoga. Not just that, you will also be taught various aspects of meditation and its types such as mantra meditation & silent meditation. You will also be taught the fundamental basics of Anatomy, Physiology, Philosophy, Shatkarma & body-cleansing techniques by the experienced teachers of Sri Yoga Ashram.
Hatha Yoga- Hatha yoga is the oldest form of yoga where Ha’ stands for Sun & ‘tha’ stands for Moon. Together, Hatha means balancing energies of sun & moon within one’s body & using them to achieve excellent physical health. It isn’t just a way of achieving fitness but also a holistic way of achieving full control over mind & body to do whatever you want in life. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Vrikshasana (Tree pose)), Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Naukasana (Boat pose), Balasana (Child pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Virbhadrasana (Warrior 1 & 2 poses), Gomukhasana (Cow pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose) & Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose) are a few important poses that will be taught during Hatha Yoga training under 500 hour YTTC.
Ashtanga Yoga- Ashtanga Yoga means practise of 8 Limbs or body-parts in union or in one complete cycle. Ashtanga is a dynamic style of Hatha yoga that has 6 series or sets of postures with a focus on breath & one’s internal energy. It also focuses on mental clarity. Padmasana (Lotus pose), Tadasana (Full body pose), Halasana (Plough pose), Karnapidasana (Ear pressure pose), Urdhva Padmasana (Upward Lotus pose), Pindasana (Embryo pose in shoulder stand), Matsyasana (Fish pose with Lotus variation), Uttanasana (Raised Legs pose), Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Hand to big toe pose) & Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged forward bend pose) are some of the poses taught in Ashtanga Yoga training under 500 hour YTTC.
Vinyasa Yoga- Vinyasa or Vinyasa Flow yoga is a contemporary style of yoga that combines some certain poses from Hatha & Ashtanga in a continuous way where the practitioner moves from one pose to another in a flow or without stopping. Vinyasa also means opposite of Hatha. Sun Salutations are a important part of Vinyasa yoga unlike others. Cat pose, Upward Dog pose, Downward Dog pose, Plank pose, Low plank pose, Low Lung pose, Hamstring stretch of Child pose, Figure 4 stretch pose, Supine single leg pose & Crescent lung pose are some important poses under Vinyasa Yoga of 500 hour YTTC.
Yin Yoga- Yin Yoga is slow-paced yoga that is practiced as a set of exercises that is based on Taoism. Its poses are practiced for longer time & it focuses on free flow of ‘Qi’ (Energy) through the body. Through stretches, it helps in opening blockages in our blood, oxygen & sound flow through use of energy. Supported Child’s pose, Broken Wing pose, Butterfly pose, Pigeon pose, Supported Fish pose, Banana pose, Eagle pose, Reclined Eagle Spine pose, Twisted Dragon pose & Shoe-lace pose are some important poses taught in Yin Yoga training under 500 hour YTTC.
We serve three Indian Vegetarian meals daily. We ensure the healthy preparation of the food. Food is cooked in RO purified water only. There are always many dishes in all meals providing few options to our students. Breakfast consists of sandwiches, fruits, sprouts, porridge, upma and poha. Same way in the lunch and dinner there are dishes like Chapati, rice, daal, chickpeas, few season vegetables, salad, yoghurt and dessert. We assure that you will enjoy the food in Sri Yoga Ashram.