100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India Certified with Yoga Alliance USA, Best Yoga Teacher Training For Beginners and Intermediate level. This course is convenient for those students who have an intention to complete 200 hours course in two divisions. The chief objective for 100 hours yoga teacher training in India is to create awareness of yoga and help you to find joy in your practice at a pace that is convenient for you. This 100 Hours Yoga Program is structured for those exploring for short term courses and is offered in two semesters.
06:00 am - Wake Up
06:30 am - Herbal Tea
06:45 am - Yogic Cleansing
07:00 am - Mantra Chanting and Pranayama
07:30 - 9am - Yoga Asana
09:00 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Yoga Anatomy
11:30 am - Yoga Philosophy
1:00 pm - Lunch, Rest/self-study
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Teaching Methodology, Alignment
04:30 pm - 06:30 - A Traditional Sequence of Yoga
07:00 pm - Dinner
08:30 Self Study
10:00 pm - Lights Out
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India Certified with Yoga Alliance USA, Best Yoga Teacher Training For Beginners and Intermediate level. This course is convenient for those students who have an intention to complete 200 hours course in two divisions. The chief objective for 100 hours yoga teacher training in India is to create awareness of yoga and help you to find joy in your practice at a pace that is convenient for you.
This 100 Hours Yoga Program is structured for those exploring for short term courses and is offered in two semesters.
The first semester (Semester 1) allows the student to study the first two weeks out of the four week 200 hour teacher training curriculum. Students returning to Arogya Yoga School can complete the 200 hour curriculum by enrolling in the 100 hour advanced yoga teacher trainingn (Semester 2), upon completing their first semester.
Students may return to Arogya Yoga School to complete their 200 hours of training Yoga instructor any time within 24 Months of completing the 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Yoga for Beginners(Semester 1).
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training for Beginners Objectives
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum
100 Hour Yoga TTC Yoga Philosophy Curriculum
This 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training class will prepare students to read and understand Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Each Friday, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week's readings. Before class, students should write down one question on a notecard directly related to the day's reading and give this to the teacher at the start of class
Yoga Philosophy Curriculum (SEMESTER 1)
Yoga Philosophy Curriculum (SEMESTER 2)
(SEMESTER 1 - For Beginners)
Human Anatomy and Physiology and Yoga curriculum
(SEMESTER 2 - For Intermediate)
Human Anatomy and Physiology and Yoga curriculum
Mantra Chanting curriculum
100 Hour Yoga TTC - Mantra Chanting curriculum
Yoga Asana Pranayama For Beginners and Intermediate level
Satvik Meals 3 meal per day plus herbal tea
All the fee including your registration and course fee are non- refundable. In any emergency or you postpone your program, you can carry forward the dates and join us for our next program.