Sudhir Rishi Sthira Yoga Goa 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa YTTC is curated to give you all the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach yoga classes based on the Ashtanga Primary Series and Vinyasa Flow style. This course is based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Apart from the rigorous asana practice, we emphasize on the other limbs - Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama and Meditation also. The course curriculum is comprehensive which includes Yoga philosophy, Yogic lifestyle and Ethics, Yogic diet, Anatomy and Physiology for yoga practitioners. Our school is rooted in traditional teaching of yoga that can be applied to present times and challenges. We encourage you to explore and be creative in your teaching style. At the end of the course you will be ready to sequence your own Vinyasa flow with various themes and also practice and teach the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. You will be exposed to the practice of Yin and Restorative yoga.
06.30 – 08.30. Asana Practice
08.30 – 08.45. Tea break
08.45 – 10.00 Chanting, Pranayama & Meditation
10.00 – 11.00. Brunch
11.00 – 13.00. Philosophy / Anatomy
13.00 – 15.00. Free time
15:00 – 16:45. Workshops on Alignment, Adjustment, Techniques, Student Teaching.
16:45 – 17:00. Tea Break
17.00 – 18.00. Asana Practice / Student Teaching
18.00 – 19.00. Posture Clinics (twice a week)
19:00 – 20.00. Dinner
19:45 – 21.00. Satsang (weekly twice-optional)
Above represent the daily schedule for 200 Hour Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course by Sudhir Rishi Sthira Yoga Goa it is subject to change with notice from the yoga school.
Sudhir Rishi Sthira Yoga Goa 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training course is a 22 or 23-days intense program designed to
Our 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa YTTC is curated to give you all the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach yoga classes based on the Ashtanga Primary Series and Vinyasa Flow style.
This course is based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Apart from the rigorous asana practice, we emphasize on the other limbs - Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama and Meditation also. The course curriculum is comprehensive which includes Yoga philosophy, Yogic lifestyle and Ethics, Yogic diet, Anatomy and Physiology for yoga practitioners.
Our school is rooted in traditional teaching of yoga that can be applied to present times and challenges. We encourage you to explore and be creative in your teaching style. At the end of the course you will be ready to sequence your own Vinyasa flow with various themes and also practice and teach the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. You will be exposed to the practice of Yin and Restorative yoga.
Our Asana curriculum is a combination of Ashtanga Yoga; Vinyasa Flow Yoga and Yin classes. You will also practice short vinyasa flows, Yin and Restorative.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary series is a pre-set sequence of postures linked by the breath, focus point (Drishti) and bandhas. Vinyasa Flow yoga is a creative and artistic expression, flowing from one posture to another using the breath. The Vinyasa classes are designed to complement the theory you learn in your teaching methodology and sequencing classes.
You will explore functional yoga anatomy to deepen your yoga practice. The classes ensure an understanding of the key muscles and bones involved in asana practice and their associated benefits and contraindications. This course covers
During the first two weeks of the course, you will receive a daily two-hour workshop focused on alignment and adjustment techniques for the main postures of the Ashtanga Yoga primary series and a few advanced postures. These workshops include modifications, advanced variations, appropriate use of props, posture clinics (arm balances, backbends, inversions among others), and regular hands-on adjustments practice.
These classes will bring safety, awareness and mindfulness to your practice and teaching. Discussions about injuries and mistakes are also addressed.
“Swaadhyaaya Pravachanaabhyaam na pramaditavyam”
“Never neglect study and teaching”: Taittiriya Upanishad
Acquire the knowledge, practice and teach which contributes to others learning. Our 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa YTTC is a practical training course designed to help you to become a confident and effective Yoga teacher. By the end of the course you will be able to teach. Opportunities are given to teach one-on-one and then progress to teaching larger groups. Feedback from teachers and your classmates help to improve.
Principles of sequencing will help to plan and structure a class. Principles of demonstration include observation, verbal instructions, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, voice projection, class presence, alignments and hands-on-adjustments, dealing with injuries and safety precautions.
Yoga alliance guidelines on ethics, business aspects of teaching yoga and other connected topics.
Teaching skills will include:
In this module we will examine number of yoga postures in terms of:
You will learn
The Yoga Philosophy section covers the following topics and in addition to application of Philosophy in asana practice and daily life. There will be a number of interactive sessions to understand complex philosophical concepts.
In this class, your teachers will guide you through how to develop your career as a yoga teacher, setting up your own studio, school or a yoga retreat center, marketing strategies, advertising and PR, ethics in yoga business, building networks with other yoga teachers, schools, studios and retreats, among other related topics.
You will receive a 200 hour certificate eligible to be registered with Yoga Alliance US.
Meals are purely Indian Vegetarian food.
This is part of the total course fees. Ideally the deposit is non-refundable however due to the ongoing pandemic situation