Our body is an amazing work of nature that protects us no matter how we treat it. Psoriasis is a skin itching condition that exhibits itself as a result of our body’s immune system acting up. Hence it is graded as an autoimmune disease where the overactive immune system attacks the healthy cells in the body.
Psoriasis is a non-infectious but recurring disease that is identified with dry skin accompanied by elevated, unruly, red patches covered with thin silver scales. Apart from these commonly known symptoms, there many more that indicate Psoriasis.
The abrasions caused by Psoriasis are generally visible on the scalp, knees, elbow, and also on the torso. It may be visible anywhere including the nails, palms, soles, genitals, and face. Keeping it in regular check is extremely important.
Types of Psoriasis
There are various types of Psoriasis that one needs to be aware of. Apart from the generally known name, these vary in their kinds and symptoms they are as listed
Just as there are these different types there are also various triggers that flare up Psoriasis. It can be food, sunlight, detergent, certain activities, and even some behaviours. Some of them are even as common as mixing of different foods
Keeping these little things in mind can prevent Psoriasis from triggering. As it is fairly known according to Ayurveda, a lot of ailments find their roots back to the imbalance in the three doshas. Similarly, in the case of Psoriasis, a high amount of Pitta attacks both Vaata and Kapha causing a tidal wave of imbalance in all three of them resulting in various dry skin diseases. It is also believed that blood impurities and emotional aspects also cause this disease. These skin diseases are commonly labelled as Kushta in Ayurveda. The first and foremost step towards healing this would obviously be to restore the balance of Vatta and Kapha.
The Vatta is the reason for the pain, dryness, and scaling of the skin whereas the burning sensation, redness, and inflammation are caused due to Pitta. Kapha is what is responsible for rashes, itching, discharge, thickening of the skin, etc. Taking these symptoms into the account and after careful analysis of each patient, a treatment plan is rolled out for every patient. After having created an appropriate treatment plan, the health practitioner steers the program through various stages. Bringing a change in the diet and lifestyle along with management of stress, and blood purification are important steps of the treatment.
Ayurvedic Therapies for Psoriasis
Shodhana Chikitsa: Also known as detoxification, is possible through Panchakarma for severe cases of 5 or more years of Psoriasis.
Shamana Chikitsa: Performed through systematic management of oral medications and external applications.
Rasayan Chikitsa: A therapy that prevents the recurring of Psoriasis and boosts immunity.
The combination and order of these therapies are best worked out by a certified and trained practitioner. Psoriasis, if not treated well and systematically can crack open the doors to your body for many severe ailments that put your body construction and clock on a toss. It is important to understand each and every step to calm the effects of Psoriasis along the way.
What are the different types of Psoriasis?
Plaque Psoriasis: Being the most commonly known type of Psoriasis, Plaque Psoriasis in the form of red inflamed patches covering the skin. These are patches are then layered with whitish-silver lines or Plaques. These patches are mostly found on the elbows, knees, and scalp.
Guttate Psoriasis: Majorly found in children, it occurs in form of tiny pink spots. They are usually found on the torso, arms, and legs.
Pustular Psoriasis: It is common in adults and occurs in the form of white, pus-filled boils and also causes inflamed skin and wide red areas. These boils are mostly found in the smaller areas of the body like the hand and the feet.
Inverse Psoriasis: This type is found in the form of patches. These patches appear on the bright, red, shiny, and inflamed skin especially in areas under the armpits or breasts or even around the skinfolds of the genitals.
Erythrodermic Psoriasis: This life-threatening type of Psoriasis, often covers large sections of the body at one shot. Being a rare type, Erythrodermic Psoriasis calls for doctor supervision without wasting any time.
What are the causes of Psoriasis?
The most important cause of Psoriasis is an overactive immune system. This being the primary cause if you are sick or battling inflammation then your immune system will go into overdrive. There are many triggers that cause Psoriasis to flare up which might be related to food, activity performed, age and surrounding.
What bacteria causes psoriasis?
The most commonly observed bacteria observed in the case of Psoriases is Staphylococcus aureus.
What causes psoriasis according to Ayurveda?
According to Ayurveda, the imbalance between two doshas, Vatta and Pitta, caused due to high amounts of Pitta in the body, can cause Psoriasis.
How does Ayurveda help with Psoriasis?
According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis is the outcome of excess Pitta that causes an imbalance in the Vatta and Kapha dosha. The whole of Ayurveda and its treatments are based on bringing a balance to the three doshas in the body and eliminating impurities and toxins from the roots. Thus, Ayurveda is a sustainable choice to help with Psoriasis.
Does psoriasis worsen with age?
It does not worsen with age. However, it is necessary to take advised care and maintain the changes in diet and lifestyle. Psoriasis ideally doesn’t worsen with age with necessary care, but it may result in many ailments.
Why does my psoriasis keep spreading?
There are certain triggers that cause Psoriasis to flare up and spread. It is important to understand your triggers to deal with them as well as avoid them.
What vitamins help with psoriasis?
Vitamin D has a great impact on the way the cells grow. It is one of the two main active ingredients found in medicine for Psoriasis.
What is the best herb for psoriasis?
The natural anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric make it the best herb for Psoriasis.
Does sweat make psoriasis worse?
Sweat is known to aggravate Psoriasis especially the ones after working out.
What foods can trigger psoriasis?
Excessive consumption of alcohol, red meat, dairy products, refined sugar, and processed foods are common triggers that cause Psoriasis to flare up. Apart from these, even smoking, stress, skin injury, and extremely cold weather can trigger Psoriasis.
Are eggs bad for psoriasis?
Eggs are known to cause inflammation due to the contents of polyunsaturated fatty acid called arachidonic acid, present in them. Hence it acts as a trigger for Psoriasis.
Is Chicken OK for psoriasis?
Chicken is known to cause inflammation, which can flare up Psoriasis. Thus it is not ok to consume it.
Is yoghurt good for psoriasis?
Yoghurt enhances the effects of Psoriasis making it a bad pick for Psoriasis.
What tea is good for psoriasis?
Green tea is said to be good due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Is Vaseline good for psoriasis?
Vaseline or petroleum jelly is known to be good for Psoriasis.
Is drinking lemon water good for psoriasis?
Lemon juice is known to eliminate dead skin cells. It is also known to reduce the effect of Psoriasis due to the natural presence of citric acid in it. The AHAs exfoliate the skin thus helping with Psoriasis.
Does sunlight kill psoriasis?
UVB exposure from the sun can ease the rapid growth of skin cells caused due to psoriasis. This may help soothe the inflammation and bring down the scaling in those with mild to moderate psoriasis.
Can laundry detergent make psoriasis worse?
Skin issues may arise when the detergents are made using too much dye or fragrance, and chemicals that are harsh for the skin. Ones dealing with psoriasis have a weakened skin barrier and making them susceptible to these chemicals. Hence, some laundry detergents can contribute to making psoriasis worse.
**The benefits of Ayurveda vary from person to person and the results may vary immensely based on the quality of the herbs, oil concoctions and medicines. BalanceBoat.com is not responsible or liable for the effectiveness and outcome of the Ayurvedic treatments. The information above is shareable purely for educational purpose it is not to be considered as a replacement for medical advice. Please always consult a certified specialist/Doctor before you embark upon a treatment.